To help our SOS Appeal reach its £360,000 target, our finance team is organising festive hampers to be raffled to the passengers on the Railway's Steam and Light services - that is thirty-four hampers! The raffle tickets will be sold to passengers from a COVID-secure Christmas Grotto at Swanage Station.
The team is asking for donations to make up the hampers. The Railway has given a family ticket for each hamper, but we now urgently need help with donations of cakes, biscuits, sweets, unwanted gifts, teddies, games, festive Items, drinks including wine and beer (sherry, port, spirits, lager, beer, prosecco and champagne) or chocolates.
Anything that will make the hampers look festive would also be appreciated including quality wrapping paper and tinsel. The grotto will need festive lights, decorations, rolls of fake snow and illuminated figures (reindeer, Father Christmas etc.).
The aim is to raise funds for the SOS Appeal so please ask your family and friends! If we all dig deep, we can provide something special for our passengers and help the Appeal reach its target. Donations can be left with the Finance Department, Unit 11, Purbeck Business Centre, Victoria Avenue, BH19 1AU between 8 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday.
Many thanks - and Merry Christmas - from everyone at the Swanage Railway!