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Purbeck Railway Circle: Meetings Cancelled

Andy Vincent

All Meetings and Outings have been Cancelled until September 2020.

Meetings for the next few months have been cancelled because of the coronavirus outbreak. The next scheduled event will be our meeting on September 18, 2020, but this will be reviewed nearer the time. The planned meeting is "Wareham Remembered" presentation by Andrew P.M. Wright.

The Purbeck Railway Circle provides support for the Swanage Railway Trust and the Swanage Railway. Our main focus is the presentation of railway-oriented talks, slide and film shows. Our meetings include an "update" on the latest happenings on the Swanage Railway.

The Circle meets in Harmans Cross Village Hall, Haycrafts Lane, Harmans Cross at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Tea/coffee/biscuits and a Railway orientated raffle will be provided as usual


For further information regarding this presentation and/or the PRC please contact the PRC Chairman at:

e-mail: or visit our website:


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