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London Transport Museum: Hidden Hangouts

Andy Vincent

Based in Covent Garden, the London Transport Museum hosts exhibits relating to the heritage of London's transport, as well as conserving and explaining this heritage. In addition to the physical collections, the museum team hosts a popular YouTube channel - Hidden London Hangouts - that explores ‘ghost’ stations and other little-known pieces of transport trivia. Each week, Chris Nix, Siddy Holloway and Laura Hilton-Brown from the Museum’s Hidden London team, along with host Alex Grundon, explore the secret and mysterious spaces of London’s transport system.

In series 1, the team focused on the different sites in the Hidden London tour programme, sharing historical titbits that are revealed on the tours as well as the behind the scenes processes they go through to make the tours such as success. In series 2 and 3, the team turned their hands to a huge number of various transport topics such as moquette, tiling, Johnston type face, posters and much, much more!

As part of series 3 - and in the opening episode of series 4 - the team visited the Swanage Railway:

This week the team are on holiday, but Chris and Alex invite you to join them by the sea to discover a train that served London and has now retired to Swanage Railway. They spend a privileged day aboard the newly restored Class 117 during test-runs before it enters service

The Hangouts team head to the Swanage Railway in Dorset, for the opening show of Season 4. In a privileged trip behind the scenes they meet some of the amazing people who run the railway and reveal the meaning behind the bells at the start and end of the Hangouts episodes.

To see other episodes in this series, or to subscribe to the Hidden London Hangouts YouTube channel, simply go to this page.


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