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Purbeck Railway Circle November Meeting

Andrew P.M. Wright

Our next meeting is on Friday 15th November, when Martyn Pring will deliver a presentation entitled "Luxury Railway Travel: A Social and Business History”.

Royal trains in the mid-19th century established a benchmark for more civilised train travel. Significant technological developments (both on land and at sea) and a rapid expansion in quality hospitality, tourism promotion and destination arrangements by the 1890's saw a first-class travel culture emerge where the railways played a dominant role.

The great dining and sleeping-car expresses of the inter-year years, together with efforts of Pullman in Britain, Wagon-Lits and MITROPA in Europe, saw new heights achieved in glamorous train travel before the demands of the business market took dominance. The staged experiences found on modern leisure-based luxury trains, as well as new developments by scheduled train operating companies, harken back to those years. 

A look back at the development of the first-class travel culture from the Royal trains to the modern leisure-based luxury trains of today

The Circle meets in Harmans Cross Village Hall, Haycrafts Lane, Harmans Cross at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Tea/coffee/biscuits and a Railway orientated raffle will be provided as usual


For further information regarding this presentation and/or the PRC please contact the PRC Chairman at:

e-mail: or visit our website:


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