Council of Management
The Council of Management acts as the decision making body of the Swanage Railway Trust. Members - who are legally Directors - are elected annually at the AGM and serve a two year term. Half the Council must be elected each year which can occasionally mean that one person only serves for a one year term dependent on resignations and co-options.
The Council has the ability to co-opt up to four members who generally either replace members who have resigned or who provide specialist knowledge. Co-opted members serve until the next AGM at which time they are eligible to stand for election.
The current members of the Council of Management are shown below:


Deputy Chair


Membership Secretary

Council members most recent election statements may be seen here. A list of past members can be seen on the Companies House web site.
Copies of the latest audited accounts (which are available approximately two months before the AGM) may be downloaded using the links below.
Previous years accounts and other public documents may be downloaded from the document archive.
Members Area
A number of additional documents are available to current members of the Trust. These may be accessed using the button below and entering the password.
Annual General Meeting
The reconvened 2024 AGM will take place at 14.00 on 19 October 2024 at the Studio, Mowlem Centre, Swanage, Dorset.
Public Trust and Company documents may be downloaded using the links below.